Benefits of After School Programs for Children


After-school programs can support your child’s early education and development, improving their social, communication, and cognitive skills. It can also help improve mental health, physical health, and emotional health.

Here are some more benefits your kids can expect from After school programs like the summer camp you can find at our preschool in New Orleans, Louisiana:

  • It can improve your child’s academic performance.
    Research shows that after-school programs can help children improve their reading, numeracy, and literacy skills through activities like music lessons, sports, writing classes, and more.
  • They provide support for working families.
    After-school programs provide children with something to do and learn while their parents are still finishing their day’s work. Parents can also rest easy that their children are doing something productive in a safe environment while they are still busy. Our daycare in Louisiana can also help parents with Childcare during their working hours.
  • It encourages school participation.
    Many after-school programs are an extension of the schools and learning centers that provide them. The familiar and fun environment of after-school programs helps children become more comfortable with their fellow students and teachers, encouraging participation during their classes.
  • It provides opportunities for socialization.
    After-school programs encourage children to meet new people and make new friends with individuals interested in the same hobbies, interests, and activities.

Many learning centers like ours here at Kids World Preschool organize many activities for children in and after school to support their education and development. For more information about our school, you can call us at 504-944-9193.

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